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An Article on Work from Home to Work from Office

Admin | Sep 17 2021
An Article on Work from Home to Work from Office

Gone are the days when work from home used to be a crucial strategy of an organizations in labor market. Pandemic has forced many organizations to go for work from home as a priority. Many employers forced to implement the policies for the same.  The statics for the population for work from home before pandemic was tentative about 20% & now it reached to almost nearby 70%. In certain places, Work from Home guidelines were forced by the governments, where government employees need to go for Work from Home while advisory notices were sent to employers of private organizations, as a precaution to prevent the spread of virus.

Before pandemic it was an infatuation for employees to join the organization & this practice was never considered practical by heavy manufacturing industries, even for a set of employees in an organization. Pandemic made the organizations to realize the importance of flexibility in workspaces towards employees which was a major concern for HR professionals to bring into the organizations. Looking at the metropolitan life of Hussle & bustle individual get time for their families which was a major challenge for knowledge workers. So, this concept brought the families together.

On the contrary if we focus on nitty-gritties of Work from Home, we cannot neglect certain facts like monotony, social isolation, burnout. Work from Home may help more on work life balance at one end, but it loses the benefits of creativity, innovation, teamwork, trust, and social interaction. When the industries turn upon Work from Home, it builds a challenge for survival & sustainability of many suppliers/small scale industries or even small retailers. It is a question for many areas like workforce diversity, inclusion, teamwork, social interaction & CSR in terms of livelihood of those small stores who are absolutely based on these businesses.

Today, when the things are going to be normal, again it is a big question about the issues of work as what impact will hybrid or blended mode of working will have? Many leading service providers have announced that they are moving from work from home to work from office. The industries are planning to call upon 90% of their workforce to return to offices by the end of this year.

Looking upon such factors discussed above about livelihood & sustainability of different vendors associated with industries, need to move upon from work from home to work from office. Every organizations will need to think upon the continuation of same model of 24/365 even in such pandemic kind of situation in future as well. In future it will not be surprising as if the organizations will emerge with hybrid working model.

Few employees from the organization with Work from Home & Few with Work from Office or Work from Anywhere. The upcoming generations who are going with an online education, which used to be a least priority option for families, turn this generation to be a master in online mode. So, it will be again a big question for this upcoming online learners' generation to turn upon work from office.