2 min read

Consumer Awareness

Admin | Aug 17 2021
Consumer Awareness

Consumers want to buy products or services that are best at the given price. Consumers want their purchased goods and the services they opt for to be satisfying. But have you ever asked yourself? or have to ever give a thought – what if the products purchased by me are not to the expected quality or you have felt cheated by the seller after the payment is done?

It's not only about the feeling of being cheated but this is the time consumers need to be educated or made aware of the rights they have been a consumer. And it's not just the rights that they have but also, it's their responsibility being a citizen to stand up for unfair things, wrongly practiced, or fraud in nature. Today's generation is completely focused on online payment sites, but are they aware of the consequences, issues faced by most of the online payment sites, fraud transactions, etc. And is someone arising with such a situation whom do we approach? How do we get all the details regarding the transaction? What procedures do we need to start with as soon as we realize that fraud has taken place? Who should be our first point of contact? Where to log the complaint? Which websites to visit and fill in the details regarding the fraud? What safety measures do we need to investigate as soon as realization of the fraud?

Listed below are few terminologies everyone needs to be aware of:

  1. Consumer: A consumer is a person who buys goods and services. They need to purchase goods and services for themselves and not for resale purposes.
  2. Goods: Any product that is manufactured, marketed, and sold to customers at a given price through wholesalers and retailers.
  3. Services: Any type of service that is been used by the end-user and he/she pays for the rendered services. Services can be facilities provided by any sector.
  4. Consumer Awareness: Requirement of basic education in terms of quality of the product, the quantity of the product, packaging, packing, price, payment terms, ingredients, trademarks, copyrights, consumer knowledge, consumer education, consumer rights, consumer responsibility, etc.