2 min read

Did you know Lexicon MILE got a Letter of Appreciation from CEGR for upgrading and upscaling and quickly adapting to the changes due to the pandemic?

Admin | Dec 6 2021
Did you know Lexicon MILE got a Letter of Appreciation from CEGR for upgrading and upscaling and quickly adapting to the changes due to the pandemic?

Students' grades may get them into university, but it is their resilience, agility, independence, and cultural intelligence that will get them through life. This is a fact that Lexicon MILE is well aware of. It's no surprise that we received a Letter of Appreciation from CEGR for upgrading and upscaling and quickly adapting to the changes caused by the pandemic.

Knowledge here transcends the boundaries of classrooms to ensure that ambitious students receive a well-rounded education. This includes formative (and necessary) preparation for life's unanticipated slings and arrows. The institute prepares students to persevere in the face of adversity, including debilitating illnesses, financial uncertainty, and a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic.

Plants grow in strength as a result of storms and wind. Similarly, students become resilient as a result of encountering and growing from challenges. Resilience is the ability to overcome adversity and be positively shaped by it. While we cannot eliminate challenges, viewing them as teachable moments to be learned from increases resilience.

As we near the end of this one-of-a-kind and often challenging school year, we'd like to express our gratitude.

Thank you to management for all of its leadership and support throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

Thank you to all of our administrators, faculty, and support staff for working together to assist our students, families, and each other.

Thank you to everyone in our organization for your willingness to change course almost at the last minute when we were forced to close our buildings in March. We collaborated to completely rethink how we do business – from instruction to food service to technology to maintenance and operations.

Lexicon MILE Rebuilding Better: Long-Term, Resilient Learning Following COVID-19