The right mindset towards setting objectives and achieving them during your internship

My Journey with Lexicon Mile- Student Story-Lexicon MILE

Our economy is very dynamic! The talents, skills, and experiences need to evolve to be a part of that growth cycle. As you can see that the job market is highly competitive. This is one of the major reasons why applied learning and internship opportunities are becoming a key part of the college experience. Internships are the passage for all those starting their career in global development.

Of course, these experiences should be a win-win situation for the parties involved. As an employer, it is vital to nurture emerging talent and help them gain new perspectives. For the intern, it is a chance to explore areas of interest. It is a holistic chance to develop skills, gain exposure to different aspects of development work. And alongside learn from experienced professionals in the sector.

Experts define internships as “any official or formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession.” One of the most celebrated aspects of internships is the room to integrate classroom knowledge and theory with practical application and skills developed in professional settings. They also bring a bucket full of benefits to students.

When we talk about a two-year graduate program, internships are a deciding factor for students. Usually, a one-year program is considered too short and too intense to consent for internship placements.

At Lexicon MILE, we feel that it is vital for us to do everything we could to help students on our one- year programs participate in internships. We feel that internships are incredibly valuable! It helps in both gaining experience, interacting, and ultimately fetching a permanent position on graduation. Let me put it out the other way- at least 80% of us want purpose in our work. Internships during college are the most powerful way to get there. That said, an internship is transformational as we make it.

Here, staff from MILE have shared their experience with young professionals. Keep reading to find out tips for success.

Being an important part.

As interns, you must grab the opportunity to do work that matters! In layman's words, the work contributes to the bottom line. Try to participate in real projects, real problems, and deal with real issues of the company. The studies suggest that 84% of students said that the opportunity to apply developed job-specific skills was learned during the internship. You will love the first-hand experience of how to solve real problems.

Focus on the Development Side

The question you need to ask yourself is: are you learning enough and developing to become a full-time employee?

Keeping Interns Engaged

Make sure you keep yourself engaged the whole time you are working. Keep yourself involved, and make it worth your time investment. Don't just simplify, keep yourself busy with work. Put yourself in the heart of the company and participate in all the ins and outs. An engaged intern will always do a better job and produce better results.


One of the prime reasons why internships are valuable to students is because of the opportunity to network. As an intern, you have the chance to connect with other interns and professionals. Participate in all the networking events, lunch & learns, or social gatherings. This is one of the best ways to keep oneself engaged and meet the right people. Look out to it as an opportunity to shake hands with professionals in the industry and learn from industry mentors.

Acknowledge Feedback

Remember as interns your prime focus must be to learn and extend your knowledge. The best way to achieve that is by receiving structured feedback. Be honest, be constructive, and focus on getting better day by day. Taking honest feedback constructively can help improve the overall program.


Internships help students develop soft skills required in the workplace and leadership positions. In a LinkedIn Skills Report, 57% of employers rated soft skills as an important part rather more important than technical skills. Skills, like communication, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork are learned through an internship and utilized beyond that experience.

Stay Connected

Stay connected as you leave. If they feel that you're a good fit for the company, they will let you know about upcoming opportunities and new job openings. Keep relationships open and this will ensure that there is always an open door.

Character Growth

Not only do internships help develop professionalism, but they will also encourage character growth.These days employers value personal qualities over professional knowledge when it comes to employment.
Character traits like integrity, commitment, and self-motivation are some of several traits that one can learn during an internship.
  In an article by Chris Myers, a writer for Forbes, he narrates his own experience as an intern and the ways it shaped his character. Over the development of his experience, he met a mentor who aided him to be humble and essential to his employers. These lessons continued to stay with him even as he grew.
When moving out of your college, you will understand that employers will want college graduates with more than just knowledge. They'll try to select those who possess the individual qualities required to get the job done well. Thus, sharpening one's competence is a major benefit of an internship. Alongside building character in the workplace the greatest advantage. Internships are the best place to learn, test your skills, and grow personally, so you can step out and apply what you distinguish to the real world.

A Door to Opportunity

Internships lay a strong foundation by preparing students as the workforce and providing opportunities after graduation. Most employers look for career-ready college graduates who are well equipped with prior experiences and skills in a given field.
As per a recent survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the annual salary for college graduates after completing a paid internship - employed in a private, for-profit company was around $53,521, while those who did not complete an internship had to start low with an average of $38,572.
The analysis also reported that 72.2% percent of college graduates with internship experience received a job offer in comparison to 36.5% for those who did not a complete one.

Real-Life Application

At Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership & Excellence, Pune, students complete (Details of internship) .
We helped them earn credits earned through internships, job-shadowing, research fellowships, student teaching programs, and many more career-developing positions. It has benefitted students as they expand their professional portfolios.
Here are what several Lexicon MILE students have said about the internship experiences they've been a part of and how those work opportunities validated what they've learned in the classroom.
  Deliberative preparation for a fulfilling career is a must. Internships are valuable because they help develop your specialized aptitude, brace personal character, and provide a greater door to opportunity. By participating in internships, you'll give yourself the broadest spectrum of opportunities when seeking and applying for a job after college.
Lexicon MILE offers a range of highly skills-focused and employability-driven business school programs including a range of MBA options and a comprehensive one-year program. To find out more, take a look at our website. Download a brochure or get in touch today to find out how we can help you to learn about the business world, the future, and yourself.