Meet the Experts on the Academic Council - Lexicon MILE
S.No. Category 2024-2026 Photo
1 Chairman, Board of
Governors - nominated by
the Board of Trustees
Dr. Bharat Bhushan
Senior Professor, Dean
(Academics), Chairman,
Board of Governors and
Academic Council, Lexicon MILE
2 Member Secretary of the Board of Governors - To be nominated by the Board of Trustees Dr. Bidyanand Jha
Institute Director, Lexicon MILE
3 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist - Technologist / Academician of repute to be nominated by the Board of Trustees Prof. M. D. Lawrence
Vice Chancellor,
Dr. P. A. Inamdar
University, Pune
4 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist - Technologist / Academician of repute to be nominated by the Board of Trustees Prof. Durgambini Patel
Dean, SVKM's NMIMS Kirit
P. Mehta School of Law,
5 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist - Technologist / Academician of repute to be nominated by the Board of Trustees Prof. Sanjay Kharat
Principal, Progressive Education
Society's Modern College Of Arts,
Science and Commerce, Pune
6 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist - Technologist / Academician of repute to be nominated by the Board of Trustees Prof. Sanjay Mali
Principal - PGDM,
National Insurance Academy
(NIA), Pune
7 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist - Technologist / Academician of repute to be nominated by the Board of Trustees Dr. Suvarna Sathe

Acting Registrar, Tilak Maharastra Vidyapeeth,
8 Faculty Incharge, from Lexicon MILE (Department of Management) to be nominated by chairman - Board of Governors - To be a Professor in the faculty or the Senior-most faculty or Director of Lexicon MILE Head of the Department,
Lexicon MILE (Department of Management)
9 Faculty Incharge, from Lexicon MILE (Department of Management) to be nominated by chairman - Board of Governors - To be a Professor in the faculty or the Senior-most faculty or Director of Lexicon MILE Prof. (Dr.) Raju Varghese

Head, Department of Global Programs, Lexicon MILE
10 Faculty Incharge, from Lexicon MILE (Department of HMCT) to be nominated by chairman - Board of Governors - To be a Professor in the faculty or the Senior-most faculty or Director of Lexicon MILE Head of the Department,

Lexicon MILE (Department of Hotel Management & Catering Technology)
11 Faculty Incharge, from Lexicon MILE (Department of Media & Animation) to be nominated by chairman - Board of Governors - To be a Professor in the faculty or the Senior-most faculty or Director of Lexicon MILE Ms. Dipta Joshi

Head, Department of Media & Animation, Lexicon MILE
13 Nominee of AICTE Regional Officer (Ex-Officio) (or to designate Regional Officer, AICTE, as invitee member) Regional Officer, AICTE, Western Region, Pune

14 Nominee of State Government - DTE (Ex-Officio) (or to designate Director, Technical Education, State Government) Director, Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra

15 Nominee of State Government - Industrialist / Technologist / Educationist from the Region As and when nominated --

S.No. Category 2021-23 & 2023-24 Photo
1 Chairman, Academic Council - being the Chairman, Board of Governors, nominated by the Board of Trustees Mr. Neeraj Sharma

Vice Chairman, Sukhdev, and Kamal Sharma Educational Trust and Director, Pune Times Mirror, Civic Mirror & MultiFit
2 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist or Technologist or Academician of repute - nominated by the Board of Trustees Mr. Nasir Shaikh,
Group CEO - The Lexicon Group of Institutes, EduCrack & Easy Recruit+, Associate Editor - Pune Times Mirror & Civic Mirror
3 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist or Technologist or Academician of repute - nominated by the Board of Trustees Dr. Bharat Bhushan

Professor and Dean (Academics), YC Academy of Development Administration, YASHADA, Pune
4 Faculty Member from Lexicon MILE to be nominated by the Board of Trustees - To be a Professor in the Faculty or the seniormost Faculty or Director of Lexicon MILE, also being a member of the Board of Governors Dr. Jitendra Kumar Sharma, Director, Lexicon MILE,Wagholi, Pune
5 Faculty Member from Lexicon MILE to be nominated by the Board of Trustees - To be an Associate Professor or Assistant Professor in the faculty of Lexicon MILE, also being a member of the Board of Governors Dr. Raju Varghese Vazhapilly Associate Professor, Lexicon MILE, Wagholi, Pune
6 Member Secretary of the Academic Council - To be nominated by the Board of Trustees, also being the Member Secretary of the Board of Governors, as and when so appointed by the Board of Trustees Mr. Parameshwar Kawale, Registrar,

Lexicon MILE, Wagholi, Pune
7 Chairperson, Board of Studies, at Lexicon MILE, or Senior Faculty other than Director, Lexicon MILE (and other than Nominated faculty member of the Board of Governors and Academic Council), being a member of the Board of Studies of designated AICTE PGDM courses at Lexicon MILE. Ms. Vineeta Agarwal,

Associate Professor, Lexicon MILE PGDM (M&F)
8 Chief Finance Officer or Accounts Officer, Lexicon MILE (Ex-Officio) Mr. Rahul Wagh, Accounts Officer,

Lexicon MILE
9 Management Representative of an Industry, Management Section within a Company or Organization Mr. Suraj Narain

Founder Director

SearchBourne Consultants Private Limited, Pune
10 Management Representative of an Industry, Management Section within a Company or Organization Mr. Charan Nagaraj,

Apple, Bengaluru

S.No. Category 2020-2022 Photo
1 Chairman, Academic Council - being the Chairman, Board of Governors, nominated by the Board of Trustees Mr. Neeraj Sharma

Vice Chairman, Sukhdev, and Kamal Sharma Educational Trust and Director, Pune Times Mirror, Civic Mirror & MultiFit
2 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist or Technologist or Academician of repute - nominated by the Board of Trustees Mr. Dharampal Bhatia,Chartered Engineer, Engineers India Limited, Pune
3 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist or Technologist or Academician of repute - nominated by the Board of Trustees Dr. Bharat Bhushan

Professor and Dean (Academics), YC Academy of Development Administration, YASHADA, Pune
4 Faculty Member from Lexicon MILE to be nominated by the Board of Trustees - To be a Professor in the Faculty or the seniormost Faculty or Director of Lexicon MILE, also being a member of the Board of Governors Dr. Jitendra Kumar Sharma, Director, Lexicon MILE, Wagholi, Pune
5 Faculty Member from Lexicon MILE to be nominated by the Board of Trustees - To be an Associate Professor or Assistant Professor in the faculty of Lexicon MILE, also being a member of the Board of Governors Dr. Raju Varghese Vazhapilly

Associate Professor, Lexicon MILE, Wagholi, Pune
6 Member Secretary of the Academic Council - To be nominated by the Board of Trustees, also being the Member Secretary of the Board of Governors, as and when so appointed by the Board of Trustees Mr. Parameshwar Kawale, Assistant Registrar,

Lexicon MILE, Wagholi, Pune
7 Chairperson, Board of Studies, at Lexicon MILE, or Senior Faculty other than Director, Lexicon MILE (and other than Nominated faculty member of the Board of Governors and Academic Council), being a member of the Board of Studies of designated AICTE PGDM courses at Lexicon MILE. Ms. Vineeta Agarwal,

Assistant Professor, Lexicon MILE PGDM (M&F)
8 Chief Finance Officer or Accounts Officer, Lexicon MILE (Ex-Officio) Mr. Rahul Wagh, Accounts Officer,

Lexicon MILE
9 Management Representative of an Industry, Management Section within a Company or Organization Mr. Bahri B. R. Malhotra Founder Director Weikfield Group of Companies, Pune
10 Management Representative of an Industry, Management Section within a Company or Organization Mr. Suraj Narain

Founder Director

SearchBourne Consultants Private Limited, Pune
11 Management Representative of an Industry, Management Section within a Company or Organization Mr. Ajit Thatte

IIT, Kharagpur

Mr. Charan Nagaraj,

Apple, Bengaluru
12 Management Representative of an Industry, Management Section within a Company or Organization Mr. Charan Nagaraj,

Apple, Bengaluru

S.No. Category 2020-2022 Photo
1 Chairman, Academic Council - being the Chairman, Board of Governors, nominated by the Board of Trustees Mr. Neeraj Sharma

Vice Chairman, Sukhdev, and Kamal Sharma Educational Trust and Director, Pune Times Mirror, Civic Mirror & MultiFit
2 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist or Technologist or Academician of repute - nominated by the Board of Trustees Mr. Dharampal Bhatia,Chartered Engineer, Engineers India Limited, Pune
3 Member, Board of Governors - Industrialist or Technologist or Academician of repute - nominated by the Board of Trustees Dr. Bharat Bhushan

Professor and Dean (Academics), YC Academy of Development Administration, YASHADA, Pune
4 Faculty Member from Lexicon MILE to be nominated by the Board of Trustees - To be a Professor in the Faculty or the seniormost Faculty or Director of Lexicon MILE, also being a member of the Board of Governors Dr. Susen Varghese, Director,

Lexicon MILE, Wagholi, Pune
5 Faculty Member from Lexicon MILE to be nominated by the Board of Trustees - To be a Professor in the Faculty or the seniormost Faculty or Director of Lexicon MILE, also being a member of the Board of Governors Dr. Jitendra Kumar Sharma
6 Faculty Member from Lexicon MILE to be nominated by the Board of Trustees - To be an Associate Professor or Assistant Professor in the faculty of Lexicon MILE, also being a member of the Board of Governors Dr. Raju Varghese Vazhapilly

Associate Professor, Lexicon MILE, Wagholi, Pune
7 Member Secretary of the Academic Council - To be nominated by the Board of Trustees, also being the Member Secretary of the Board of Governors, as and when so appointed by the Board of Trustees Mr. Parameshwar Kawale, Assistant Registrar,

Lexicon MILE, Wagholi, Pune
8 Chairperson, Board of Studies, at Lexicon MILE, or Senior Faculty other than Director, Lexicon MILE (and other than Nominated faculty member of the Board of Governors and Academic Council), being a member of the Board of Studies of designated AICTE PGDM courses at Lexicon MILE. Ms. Vineeta Agarwal,

Assistant Professor, Lexicon MILE PGDM (M&F)
9 Chief Finance Officer or Accounts Officer, Lexicon MILE (Ex-Officio) Mr. Rahul Wagh, Accounts Officer,

Lexicon MILE
10 Management Representative of an Industry, Management Section within a Company or Organization Mr. Bahri B. R. Malhotra Founder Director Weikfield Group of Companies, Pune
11 Management Representative of an Industry, Management Section within a Company or Organization Mr. Ajit Thatte

IIT, Kharagpur

Mr. Charan Nagaraj,

Apple, Bengaluru