Executives of Lexicon MILE
From the Institute Director's Desk

Dr. Bidyanand Jha
Institute Director, Lexicon MILE
Dear Students, Faculty, and Industry Partners,
Welcome to Lexicon MILE, where we are committed to redefining the educational experience in management studies. Our mission is to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and innovative mindset required to excel in today's dynamic business environment.
As your Director, I bring a wealth of experience in academic leadership and industry collaboration, along with a Ph.D. in Social Media Marketing. My journey in academia has been driven by a passion for integrating cutting-edge research with practical applications. I believe that a strong educational foundation, combined with real-world insights, is essential for developing the next generation of leaders.
At Lexicon MILE, we pride ourselves on our rigorous curriculum, which is designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and ethical decision-making. Our dynamic learning methodologies emphasize experiential learning, ensuring that students are not only prepared for academic success but also equipped to tackle the challenges of a global marketplace.
Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. By forging strong partnerships with industry leaders, we provide students with unique opportunities for internships, networking, and hands-on projects that enhance their learning experience and career readiness.
As we continue to innovate and expand our offerings, I encourage each of you to embrace the journey ahead. Together, let's strive for excellence, push the boundaries of knowledge, and make a meaningful impact in the world of business.
Thank you for being part of the Lexicon MILE community.
From the desk of Registrar & the Controller of Examination

Mr. Parmeshwar Kawale
Registrar & Controller of Examination, The Lexicon
Group of Institutes
As we welcome you to Lexicon MILE, hope is rising, optimism is galloping, and faith is stirring hearts again. Lexicon MILE is an epic example of perseverance in and of itself. We retooled, redesigned, and delivered seamless digital learning engagements to the country's youth, satisfying their thirst for knowledge.
We at Lexicon MILE have come up with alternative and augmentative education systems to ensure that there is no loss in learning, equipping, and empowering. Our vision is based on hard work, open communication, and a strong emphasis on providing empowered and dynamic individuals and Day Zero Professionals who, wherever they are placed professionally, will spread an essence of dedication and hard work that will take the profession to new heights of excellence with the help of a smart and educated society.
Believe in yourself that the silver lining of the clouds will soon give way to the full bright sunshine. With all my years of experience, I would say this is the hallmark of accomplishment, given that persistent people push themselves.
As you start your journey at Lexicon MILE, work hard and be persistent to enhance your academics, communication skills, and attitude to a level befitting a professional career. We are excited to welcome you to the Lexicon family and commit to assisting you as you embark on your journey to excellence...
From the Global Programs Director's Desk

Dr. Raju Varghese
Director - Global Programs & International Campus, Lexicon MILE
"In a time for a drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists."-Eric Hoffer
The world is for learners. It is dedicated to their inherent curiosity, passion, dedication and attitude. The words learned and learners are markedly different. The former is full of ego and the latter thirsts for more knowledge. The processes of learning, unlearning and relearning are ongoing. This defines the dimensions of knowledge. Our core identity as an institution is in our definition as a "Learning Institution."
It is with great pleasure that we invite you for a learning journey at Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership & Excellence for the various national and international programs. In this journey, we solicit your cooperation in submitting yourself to all the institute processes that have been defined by an intellectual Academic Council with the basic focus on making you solution centric to industry requirements.
We intend to stimulate in you an acute learning thirst that will stand you in good stead throughout your lives. Nothing remains static at the institute, everything and everyone goes through an intense and dynamic change process. This helps us keep our academic offerings, our students, faculties, staff and all our partners relevant to changing business and world scenarios. The world is going through an acute pandemic crisis. It has changed our perspectives and defined a 'New Normal'. The world on the other side of the pandemic will require many new skill sets and technology upgradations. This will also be a world full of opportunities for students. It will require new skills, quality certifications, adaptability and an enhanced quest for knowledge through a strong and positive attitude.
We at Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership & Excellence would like to partner with you on this journey that defines and builds your character. As the famous quote goes, "Watch your character, it determines your destiny." Welcome aboard for a destiny defining journey.
From the Director - Admissions And Student Acquisition Desk :

Mr. Vikram Singh
Director - Admissions and Student Acquisition,
Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence
Welcome to an extraordinary learning journey at Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership & Excellence.
Confidence Excellence Kindness. The learner's journey imbibes these three virtues which is embedded in Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership & Excellence but prepares the student for his corporate life. Our students begin to develop as confident corporate team players, thanks to their multi-faceted academic and non-academic exposures. Apart from the traditional learning, they manage national events, TedX, conclaves, conferences, webinars, seminars, sports events, festivals and more. The students have also managed a Lexicon Cares program focusing on COVID counselling and medical aid call centers for assisting the infected in the Pandemic.
Our students excel due to vigorous academic support through learning resources, one on one mentoring, event exposures, managing projects community awareness projects and numerous social and cultural engagements.
The start-up ecosystem is also promoted through Mindhub | Innovation & Incubation Lab.
We focus on character building education through kindness, care, and respect for others. The student environment is dynamic and nurtures a supporting learning environment. The education is multi-directional & effectual.
We welcome you for a wonderful tour of the state-of-the-art campus. You can be in touch with us to understand the academic, internship and final placement offerings. The students are from various parts of the country and with varying skills and academic qualifications making us a true representation of young professional Indians, all in one great learning institution.
A student's potential multiplies and magnifies, and they become contributors to the entrepreneurial and professional ecosystem of India.
From the Director - Placements & Corporate Connect Desk :

Mr. Anup Sheth
Director - Placements & Corporate Connect,
Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence
When you graduate from the Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence, you will be ready and confident to face any professional challenge in any corporate setting-or become what we call a "Day Zero Professional." This is what we strive to deliver with success. In the course of your two years with Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence, we will facilitate a myriad of industry experiences and associations for you. Through a constant stream of seminars, conclaves, workshops, panel discussions, and guest lectures, you will get a chance to interact up-close with many corporate leaders and industry veterans from different fields.
Your industry interface will be further strengthened with our 9-month internship in leading organizations, wherein you will not only learn exponentially but also potentially gain a job offer for the future. In your journey with us, you will enjoy the support of our esteemed alumni, who are spread across the globe today in leading companies such as HSBC, Citi Bank, Bajaj, TIAA, eClerx and more. Their success will tell you about the power of hard work and networking.
In the 17 years of my exposure to the corporate world, I always felt the gap between the ever-changing organizational needs and the academic curriculum that colleges offered to their students. Hence, at Lexicon MILE, our curriculum is designed and upgraded year on year based on the feedback received from our academic council, which is a mix of corporate leaders and academic scholars, to ensure that each Lexiconite undergoes all the learning that is most relevant to the ever-changing industry trends and needs. At Lexicon MILE, we work as hard as you to enhance your academics, communication skills, and attitude to a level befitting a professional career. This is why most of our students gain placement offers even before the completion of the program.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Lexicon family and promise to hold your hand as you set out on the path of success...
From the Head - Branding & Marketing Desk :

Ms. Shagufta Ashraf
Head- Branding & Marketing The Lexicon Group of Institutes
At Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership & Excellence, we create an intellectual space for our students where they can question, explore, experiment, and inspire. I can proudly say that we provide a contemporary learning environment for our students.
We develop our students to be the best version of themselves and become the resilient, self-aware, ethical leaders that the world needs. We inspire students to improve not only their own lives but the business community and society as a whole.
The institute constantly pushes you outside your comfort zone, thus making you more adaptable and industry-ready. The confidence this brings is invaluable and sets you on a path of continuous growth-for life.
The curriculum is designed to integrate theory with the practice required in any industry. We support all our students to have a positive impact on the world. Lexicon MILE brings people together who are engaged, informed, and empowered to change the world. Continued, insightful, and systematic feedback from faculty and mentors will help you improve your personal and professional skills.
With my decade-long experience in educational branding, I strongly feel that this is the best decision, not just for your academic growth but also your all-round development. We will train you to be a brand in yourself and to develop an authentic leadership style that is uniquely yours. As rightly said by Jeff Bezos, "A reputation is for a person, as a brand is for a company."